Immigration Evaluations in Draper, Utah and throughout Utah

Immigration letters tailored for you.

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Do you need a therapist letter to strengthen your immigration case?

A psychological evaluation will be conducted by a mental health professional to assist individuals applying for VAWA, U Visa, Asylum, or I-130. Afterwards, a therapist writes a letter to immigration describing how the traumatic experiences have impacted their psychological, emotional, and physical well-being. This information is vital and can aid immigration officials in making fair decisions about their application.

VAWA (Violence Against Women Act):

The letter addresses psychological and physical abuse or extreme cruelty that the applicant has faced from their partner, who is a U.S. citizen or legal resident. It identifies trauma, anxiety, and depressive symptoms resulting from the abuse and how these impact the victim on a daily basis. A mental health diagnosis is provided along with professional recommendations for continued therapeutic treatment.


The letter identifies serious crimes such as physical or sexual assault, human trafficking, or domestic violence and focuses on how these crimes have caused significant physical or mental harm to the victim.

Both the VAWA and U Visa letters are designed to support legal protection to immigrants involved in abuse or crime. They can allow individuals to seek justice and safety while potentially gaining lawful status in the United States.

Signs you have been affected by abuse or crime:

  • Hypervigilance of surroundings and feeling constantly on edge

  • Panic attacks including increased heart rate, tightness of chest, and difficulty breathing

  • Intense feelings of emotional guilt, shame, fear, or numbness

  • Flashbacks, nightmares, and intrusive thoughts about the traumatic event

  • Persistent sadness, hopelessness, and thoughts of self-harm

  • Difficulty trusting people and feeling disconnected from interpersonal relationships

    If any of these describe you, getting an Immigration Evaluation in Draper, Utah may be a good fit for you.

Additional information can be found on this link:

How can a therapist letter help me?

Obtain support for your immigration process.

How Immigration Psychological Evaluations Work

You can potentially gain a lawful status in the U.S.

We begin with an initial assessment to examine the psychological, emotional, and physical abuse you experienced. This includes exploring the severity of symptoms of trauma, anxiety, and depression. We identify how your overall well-being has been negatively impacted on a daily basis. Afterwards, a letter is provided to immigration and it can potentially aid you in gaining a lawful status in the United States.

Therapy sessions and conducting the letter for your immigration attorney are billed at the hourly rate.

FAQs about How Immigration Evaluations Work

If you have more questions have a look at the FAQ page or reach out.

  • Applicants who have experienced mental or physical abuse or extreme cruelty, are married to a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident, and have cooperated with law enforcement may be eligible to apply.

    I do not provide legal advice, for precise information regarding your specific case, please consult your immigration attorney, as individual circumstances can vary.

  • Applicants who have been victims of qualifying crimes (e.g., assault, stalking, trafficking, domestic violence), endured significant physical or mental harm, and cooperated with law enforcement during the investigation or prosecution may be eligible.

    I do not provide legal advice, for detailed guidance tailored to your specific situation, please consult your immigration attorney, as cases can vary.

  • I offer psychological evaluations tailored to your immigration needs and attorney recommendations.

    Following the 50 minute assessment and the written evaluation, therapy sessions are available to help you process trauma if you choose to continue therapeutic treatment.

    If you're a victim of crime seeking support for both your immigration case and emotional healing, I'm here to help you.

Imagine life where…

  • You feel supported after facing a trauma involving abuse or crime

  • You can potentially gain lawful status in the United States

  • You can feel hope for the future and feel like life is worth living again

  • You learn can feel empowered for seeking justice

    I am here to walk alongside you and support you throughout your immigration process. Please feel free to reach out today!

Get started with Immigration Evaluations in Draper, Utah Today!